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Wednesday 3 July 2013

How to Generate and Add XML Sitemap?

An XML, also called Google sitemap, is necessary for a blog or website which helps search engine crawlers to crawl and index content on your blog easily. Blogger blogs with .blogspot sub-domains contain an xml sitemap on them which is generated automatically and kept updated with your latest content. The sitemap of blogs with .blogspot sub-domain can be accessed at and you can submit it directly to Google Webmaster Tools or anywhere else, but when you add your custom domain to your Blogger blog, the xml sitemap couldn't be accessed anymore and thus you need to manually configure XML/Google sitemap for your Blogger blog. To do so, follow below simple steps:

1. Visit and generate XML sitemap for your Blogger blog by entering your blog URL there
2. After the generator generates sitemap for your blog, copy the generated text from the box
3. Now go to Blogger dashboard, select your blog and then go to Search Preference section in Settings
4. In search preference, select Yes in front of Enable custom robots.txt content? and paste the sitemap content in the box which you have generated in first step
5. After pasting the content, Save changes

You are all done! Now whenever Google will crawl your blog, it will first look robots.txt file on your blog as it always do and then will crawl your entire blog. This XML sitemap doesn't need to be submitted in Google Webmaster Tools also and you don't need to update it after you generate and add it to your blog. All latest posts are fetched via atom.xml on your blog and your latest content is automatically suggested to Google bot. Thus your blog content will get indexed easily. Enjoy!

Additional: You can also use this free XML Sitemap Generator for sitemap generation.

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Saturday 29 June 2013

God's Butter - Avocado


The above pictures are of the Young's Rancho del Sol, Valley Center, California, where they grow Non-GMO, round-up free organic avocados which are now being harvested from the trees and shipped directly to your home. 
Dr. Robert O. Young was once asked the question from one of his students while teaching his Microscopy Course, "what one food will improve my health and the health of my family more than any other?" Dr. Young replied without a moment of hesitation, "THE AVOCADO." He said, "It's just about the perfect food." Also, in Shelley Young's food preparation classes she always refers to the Avocado as "God's Butter."
The avocado originally came from Persia. It has been popular in South and Central America, Mexico and now in the U.S. The monounsaturated fat content gives the avocado its smooth, mellon taste and nut-like flavor. 
The latest guidelines issued by the American Diabetes Association emphasize a diet rich in monounsaturated fat for improved diabetes control. 
According to the guidelines, people with diabetes are no longer limited to a low carbohydrate, low fat diet and may instead choose a higher monounsaturated fat diet that includes avocados and olive oil. On pages 70 through 120 of the Annual Review of Diabetes 2002, the American Diabetes Association in their report, "Evidence-Based Nutrition Principals and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications," recommends that carbohydrate and monounsaturated fat intake should account for 60 - 70% of calorie intake for people with diabetes, and 15 - 20% should come from protein. 
The new American Diabetes Association guidelines also present evidence that a diet high in good monounsaturated fat can improve glucose tolerance and reduce insulin resistance allowing for better control of diabetes.
Dr Young suggests, "Anyone with low or high blood sugar, or type I or type II diabetes, can significantly regulate their blood sugars by eating liberal amounts of avocados." 
Studies confirm this showing that avocados are an essential food for people with higher than normal blood glucose levels. Results for the Diabetes Prevention Program, a landmark clinical trail from the National Institute for Health released in August 2001, indicate that diet intervention and exercise conclusively slash Type 2 diabetes risk by up to 58%. 
The compound profile of the avocado includes a cholesterol-lowering by a phytosterol called beta-sitosterol and the anti-acid glutathione, according to Dr. David Huber, director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition. Evidence suggests phytosterol and glutathione found in avocados may help prevent certain types of cancers and heart disease in humans. 
"The avocado has long been known for its special taste enhancing properties," Heber said. "However, new research demonstrates that avocados provide favorable phytochemicals that work in combination with biochemicals from other foods in the diet to enhance overall health." 
Scientific evidence from a May 1999 study conducted under the California Avocado Commission shows that nutrient-dense avocados contain 76 mg. of beta-sitosterol per 100 grams of fruit. This is more than 4 times the beta-sitosterol found in other commonly eaten fruits, such as bananas, apples, cantaloupes, grapes, plums and cherries. Also, avocados do not have all the sugar that raises blood glucose! In addition, avocados contain at least twice the amount of beta-sitosterol found in other foods, including corn, green soybeans and olives. 
Beta-sitosterol is a plant sterol that occurs naturally in the avocado, according to Dr. David Heber, director of the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition and author of "What Color is your Diet."
Beta-sitosterol can inhibit cholesterol absorption in the intestine resulting in lower blood cholesterol levels. In animal studies, phytosterol has been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors, particularly the growth of prostate tumors. A survey conducted by the National Cancer Institute in 1992 demonstrated that ounce per ounce, the glutathione content of avocados is three times that of bananas, apples, cantaloupes, grapes, plums and cherries. Glutathione is composed of three amino acids and functions as a buffer, neutralizing acids that can cause damage to cells in the body during the process of aging, heart disease and cancer. Numerous studies have linked glutathione to the prevention of various types of cancer, including cancer of the mouth and pharynx, and also heart disease.
“The California avocado is an excellent dietary source of glutathione and phytosterol, further demonstrating the value of the diverse plant-based diet and providing micronutrients that may have unique roles in the body and the potential to improve overall health and prevent chronic disease," Heber said.
According to Heber, he has discovered that avocados contain a biochemical called lutien, which is a carotenoid recently discovered in avocados and found in green vegetables to help protect against cancer, including Prostate Cancer.
UCLA lab tests showed that lutein reduces Prostate Cancer cell growth by 25%, while lycopene from tomatoes reduce cell growth by 20%. When lutein and lycopene were combined, Prostate Cancer cell growth was reduced by 32%. This indicates that both nutrients together help protect against Prostate Cancer better than either nutrient alone.  
"Lutein and lycopene combination appear to have additive or synergistic effects against Prostate Cancer, our results suggest that further study should be done to investigate the nutrient interactions of lutein and lycopene at a subcellular and molecular level," said Heber.
Traditionally, lutein has been found in green vegetables such as parsley, celery and spinach, but was recently discovered in avocados. In fact, research shows that avocados are the highest fruit source of lutein among the 20 most frequently consumed fruits. In addition to the new Prostate Cancer findings, lutein is also known to protect against eye disease such as cataracts and macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in the elderly, due to diabetes. 
The new research at UCLA also indicates that avocados have nearly twice as much vitamin E as previously reported, making avocados the highest fruit source of this powerful buffer of acid. Vitamin E is known to slow the aging process and protect against heart disease and common forms of cancer by neutralizing acids, which may cause cellular damage. Heber states, "avocados are recognized as an excellent source of monounsaturated fat which is known to lower cholesterol levels, but the antioxidant and biochemical properties of avocados are less well-recognized. These plant nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables work together to reduce oxidative stress and prevent disease." Heber, along with 35 scientists at the UCLA Canter for Human Nutrition, has long endorsed a diet based on 5 to 11 servings per day of a diverse selection of fruits and vegetables like the avocado. Worldwide research demonstrates the high intake of fruits and vegetables are associated with better health due largely to their disease-fighting properties. 
The oil also gives the avocado its high food energy value. The avocado contains fourteen minerals, all of which regulate body functions and stimulate growth. Especially, noteworthy are its iron and copper contents, which aid in red blood cell regeneration and the prevention of nutritional anemia. It also contains a higher source of potassium than bananas and sodium which gives it a high alkaline reaction without all the sugar. The avocado contains no starch and very little sugar and therefore does not raise blood sugar levels but provides a high source of fat, 80%, which the body can metabolize for energy and use for construction of cellular membranes. The avocado is also a great source of protein at 10 to 15%.
For all the reasons above, the avocado will be one of the most important foods that you eat and has been a major player in reversing Cancer, Heart Disease, and Type I and Type II diabetes as the body moves away from sugar metabolism to fat metabolism and all its protective attributes. Dr Robert O. Young suggests 2 to 3 avocados a day, for a 154 lb. man or woman, as good fats are at the foundation of balancing blood sugars and the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet. One of our favorite avocado breakfasts is the Avorado Kid Green Shake (see Recipes and More) or a bowl of broccoli, avocado and tomato. 
For beautiful organically grown California avocados, picked fresh off the tree and shipped to you next day, Rancho Avarado! Our Avocados are HASS AVOCADOS, sold by the 1/2 box containing approximately 23-25 avocados (please select 3-day, 2-day, or overnight shipping only, to ensure freshness.).
Avocados are back in season. Order yours today!
To order by phone, call 760-751-8321 today! To order online go to:  <a href="">Click here to</a>
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Beautiful Alkalizing Organic NON-GMO Grapefruits Grown at the Rancho del Sol



Organically Grown at the Rancho Del Sol**Shipping included in price for orders shipped within the continental US**

100% organically grown (without synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizer), Ruby Red Grapefruits from sunny Southern California. These succulent members of the citrus family are grown in Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's private orchard, Ranch Avorado. With its unmistakable flavor, these grapefruits offer a subtle sweetness and signature tartness that everyone can enjoy. 

Nutritionally, the bitter flavor comes from limonene, a limonoid that gives grapefruit its proven anticarcinogenic properties. Naringine, a flavonoid found in grapefruit, is also effective in preventing cancer. Furthermore, narigine improves blood circulation, while pectin (a soluble vegetable fiber) unclogs arteries. 

These organic grapefruits are waiting patiently - remaining on the tree until we receive your order. They are then hand-picked and packaged. Thus, the organic, natural freshness is impeccably preserved. Do your health, taste buds, and the environment a favor - Order today! 

Estimated shelf life: 1 week at room temperature 
1 month refrigerated
(20-25 grapefruits per box) 

Nutrient Composition
 (100g of raw edible portion) Energy - 30 kcal 
Protein - 0.55 g 
Carbohydrates - 7.68 g 
Vitamin A - 26 Fg RE 
Vitamin B1 - 0.034 mg 
Vitamin B2 - 0.02 mg 
Niacin - 0.224 mg NE 
Vitamin B6 - 0.042 mg 
Folate - 12.2 Fg 
Vitamin C - 38.1 mg 
Calcium - 11 mg 
Phosphorus - 9 mg 
Magnesium - 8 mg 
Iron - 0.12 mg 
Potassium- 129 mg 
Zinc - 0.07 mg 
Total Fat - 0.1 g Saturated Fat - 0.014 g
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Reversing Thalassaemia Ulcerated Colitis and Breast Cancer

The following is an unsolicited testimony of a young woman from London, England who has embraced Dr. Robert and Shelley Young's pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and has reversed her diagnosed conditions of Thalassaemia, Ulcerated Colitis, and Breast Cancer. This testimony is an example of millions of people around the world in over 72 countries who are NOW dis-ease free, drug free and living a life of health, energy and vitality because of the work of Dr. Robert and Shelley Young and their pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet!  This story will be included in their new book release The pH Miracle for Cancer - Preventing and Reversing Cancer without drugs, radiation or surgery!

Dear Dr. Robert O. Young,

My name is Ulviye Ozevlat (Olivia). I am 42 years old mother of two and living in London, UK. From the age of about 17 I had low haemoglobin/low iron levels in my blood. I felt extremely fatigued and wanted to sleep all day. My Doctor put this down to the fact that I was a Thalassaemia  genetic trait which is described as a blood disorder affecting haemoglobin. I was prescribed iron tablets in the form of Ferrous Fumarate 210mg. I took these tablets for about 7 years but the health of my blood did not improve. I still felt very tired, unwell and dizzy all day. In 1995, I gave birth to my second child and soon after giving birth I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis which is a condition described as inflammation of a part of the large intestine accompanied by stomach pains, extreme urge to go to the toilet with mucous and blood in faeces. I had this condition for about 14 years. On average I had a flare up ofulcerative colitis 2 to 3 times a year and when it came on it would last between a week and three weeks. I was prescribed Mesalazine 400mg (5-aminosalicylic acid) tablets, initially 4 tablets working up to 8 tablets depending on the severity of colitis at the time. I had to go to 6 monthly appointments to have regular check-ups at the hospital, routine blood tests andcolonoscopies. My general health did not improve following my doctor's drug treatment protocol.

My partner Mehmet has always commented on how the doctors were only trying to control the disease rather than aiming at creating health. He practices Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and he was an expert in Human Nutrition as he was preparing to undertake a PhD in Alternative Medicine. Mehmet always argued with my doctors for their lack of knowledge and understanding in Nutrition. He was very familiar with Dr Robert  O. Young's work. His life revolved around health, psychology and biochemistry but he had a special connection with The PH Miracle and always talked to me about it. He loved to research and he gave a lot of credit to Dr. Young's The New Biology. In Mehmet's words: 'no other scientific explanation on Human Biology can even come close to making a true sense as that of The New Biology.' He was giving seminars on the Alkaline Diet and he was very busy helping people to lose weight, stop smoking and generally coaching them to re-claim their health.

In July 2009 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and underwent lumpectomy on my left breast. It was described as an aggressive grade 3 tumour. It was 17 millimetres in size. I was advised by my oncologist to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy but I told them that I wanted to think about it. They agreed and booked another appointment 2 weeks later. This is when my life began to change. I came home and sat down with Mehmet and that is when I told him that I was ready to embrace The pH Miracle protocol. I believed that my body was clogged up with acids, toxins and debris and that was the reason for my health challenges. I went on an alkaline green juice diet for 7 days. I juiced everything from cucumbers, spinach, celery, red peppers, green peppers etc. Mehmet taught me how to detox correctly and safely taking correct blend of herbs and alkaline supplements. I felt so ill I could not explain but I knew that my body was going through a healing crisis so I continued with the alkaline diet.  After a week I introduced solid foods but they were all green alkaline vegetables. I gave up coffee, chicken, beef, dairy, bread, potatoes and rice. Was it difficult? Well of course it was but I began to get use to it. I soaked almonds overnight to have them as snacks the next day. I started sprouting different seeds at home and used these as my snacks and in salads. Anything alkaline I was on it. I was drinking around 3 to 4 litres of pH Miracle green drinks a day with PuripHy pH drops. I added in The pHour Salts to increase the Alkalinity. Mehmet showed  me how to test my urine for acidity using pH Hydrion paper and explained to me how the acids in the body corrode our cells and tissues. For the first time in my life, despite being diagnosed with breast cancer and having had debilitating ulcerative colitis for 14 years, I actually began to feel better and set myself a date to give up my Mesalazine tablets (for U.Colitis), and I did.  It has now been over 3 years without medication for Ulcerative Colitis. In the last 2 years I only had a flare up just once (normally this would be 4 to 6 times) and it was a lot milder than before.

My oncologist still encouraged me to do chemo?' 'Never' I said!
He said that I was making a big mistake. I said that I had never felt so healthy in my life before so I was not prepared to go ahead with it. Mehmet tried to explain Dr Robert Young’s principles to the oncologist and his team but they just did not want to listen. I told them that I would take Tamoxifen but in fact I have not even touched it once!!

I still continued with the diet and testing my urine pH daily. I was eating broccoli and avocado for breakfast! We got rid of refined salt and replaced it with Real Salt. I use pHlavor Salt sprayed into my mouth 10 -15 times a day, powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione, anti-bacterialcolloidal silver, alkaline Montmorillonite clay, N-Acetyl Cysteine, Co-enzyme Q10,Organic liquid chlorophyll, Aloe vera, Psyllium Husks, pH Miracle pHlush as an internal cleanser and lots more (too long to list here).

I has now been 4 years and  NO CHEMO, NO TAMOXIFEN and NO MESALAZINE for Ulcerative Colitis for 3 years.

I still have my regular check-ups with my consultants: for Ulcerative Colitis and for breast cancer. My consultant for Ulcerative Colitis believes that my success is to do with taking my medications regularly. Little he knows that I have not touched those medications for 3 years! I feel that I will have to reveal the truth to him one day because he may find out if he reads this. He might have a paradigm shift when he does find out! He might well listen and give some credit to the PH Miracle and Dr Robert O. Young.

I have never felt this healthy in my life before!! Mehmet monitors everything I eat, drink and do. All my supplements are specially prepared and there is ZERO Iron in them except which it occurs naturally in Montmorillonite clay. I have to say that my Haemoglobin has improved from all time of 8.0 g/dl (very low) to around 10.5 g/dl and that's without IRON TABLETS and this is all credit to Dr Young's good work and advice. I realized that I did not need those acidic medications and iron?? No, No, No! Three years ago I met lovely Dr Young in London and we had a meal together: Yes, you are right the meal was all vegetables, yummy! He told me that he was impressed with what I was doing.

I don't remember a time in my life when I had not felt dizzy in the mornings or had not felt extremely tired during the day. That is all in the past. Three years without medication for my Ulcerative Colitis? Absolutely! The irony of it all is that I meant to be on medication for the rest of my life! Yeah right! As for my breast cancer, well my attitude to life has changed. People who come to our house to visit us, at first they expect a low-energy atmosphere. Absolutely not! People get shocked when they visit us. Health is everywhere - all around us, there is positive energy everywhere and people comment on it. And it is contagious because people want to do the things we are doing.

Lots of people contact us for information on this new journey that I have proudly chosen to travel. Some people refer to this as a diet. Well it is not! It is a new pH Miracle lifestyle where your diet, thoughts, beliefs, actions and expectations are in alignment with the natural laws of the universe. That is why you feel at ease and at peace when you are on the pH Miracle Lifestyle.
Dr. Young, I know that you have helped so many people change their lives. Well, you truly have changed mine.

God Bless You,
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Phoolon Ki Zanjeer By Deeba Khanum pdf


Phoolon Ki Zanjeer By Deeba Khanum pdf
Phoolon Ki Zanjeer By Deeba Khanum pdf
Download and read online best urdu social and romantic novel ever Phoolon Ki Zanjeer By Deeba Khanum pdf

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Global Science Magazine June 2013 pdf


Global Science Magazine June 2013 pdf
Global Science Magazine June 2013 pdf

Download and read online best famous monthly issued / published Urdu magazine on science and technology topic here you will read about new technology like new computers new laptop iPad cell phone android phone latest latest iPad latest science invented technologies .

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Haya Digest June 2013 pdf


Haya Digest June 2013 pdf
Haya Digest June 2013 pdf

Haya Digest is monthly published digest issued on every month having great social romantic stories . you may read about culture famous people personality super star film star and many more. women and girls from Pakistani USA Dubai France japan UK Canada Australia new zealand Norway and many European country who love to read urdu digest novels and books are addicted to this monthly issued haya digest June 2013.

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